The sectors in which we operate


We support the automotive and motorbike industry with our systems based on constantly updated technologies, operated by highly qualified personnel, which support the design, engineering and prototyping of car and motorbike components.

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Using our systems, we support industry in the design, testing, component assembly and engineering of moulds and products, and ensure the relevant quality control of plastic components, sheet metal, electronic devices and more.

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Our services support the aeronautical, naval and wind power industries in the development and control of components to generate digital three-dimensional data for the purpose of aerodynamic testing and much more.

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Cultural Heritage

Museums and public institutions use our non-contact 3D scanning systems to make changes or improvements to artworks and sculptures, scan environments, design systems for handling, transport and prototyping.

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Automated cells allow the machine to run automatically, using robots, minimising human intervention, thanks to state-of-the-art technologies that optimise the timing of the production process and perfect the result.

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We support companies and professionals in the sector in the development and testing of prostheses and medical products. We also provide services and training in scientific research so that students and professionals can use software and systems to work independently in the development of prostheses and other medical products.

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We help artists and companies by scanning physical works to be digitally transferred as three-dimensional models, to make limited editions or to start production by making moulds or to enlarge existing works for film and theatre sets.

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We collaborate with designers and architects who, thanks to environmental scanning and rapid prototyping, obtain environmental scans of which they do not have digital data in order to redesign spaces or to have models to present during design development.

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During product design and development, constant control of product dimensions and technical characteristics is essential to optimise the production process and reduce design time through product engineering solutions or material quality control.

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